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Restored vintage double bit axes!

Snow and Neally 4lb double bit felling axe
Snow and Neally Maine pattern 4lb double bit (picture is representative, may not exactly match axe shipped), cleaned, sharpened, new ash handle, $110.00/US-48 shipping,$100.00/pick up. 3 in stock. #8000
Craftsman 4lb double bit felling axe
Vintage Craftsman Wisconsin pattern 4lb double bit, cleaned, sharpened, new ash handle, $110.00/US-48 shipping,$100.00/pick up. 1 in stock. #8507
Craftsman 3 1/2lb double bit felling axe
Vintage Craftsman Michigan pattern 3 1/2lb double bit, cleaned, sharpened, hickory handle, $100.00/US-48 shipping,$90.00/pick up. 1 in stock. #8508
Craftsman 3 1/2lb double bit felling axe
Vintage Craftsman Michigan pattern 3 1/2lb double bit, cleaned, sharpened, new ash handle handle, $100.00/US-48 shipping,$90.00/pick up. 1 in stock. #8510
Unmarked 4lb double bit felling axe
Unmarked Michigan pattern 4lb double bit, cleaned, sharpened, hickory handle, $100.00/US-48 shipping,$90.00/pick up. 1 in stock. #8509